A Different Approach To Support
Ron Marks started Workmarks in 2001 after 16 years as a pioneer in the electronic prepress service bureau industry. The initial focus of the business was exclusively on the needs of small creative advertising, marketing, and design firms, but it was soon apparent that a need for high-quality technical support for a wide variety of companies across many industries as well as for individuals. Our approach focuses on identifying and removing obstacles to our clients' productivity, securing data through automated backup strategies, and managing hardware and software upgrades to facilitate the work they do.
The Workmarks mission remains the same: if your tech works, so can you. Please get in touch and let us know what we can do for you.
Get in touch
Workmarks will be happy to talk about your support needs at any time. Please call, email, or use the form below to request an appointment with us.
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More Information
Pleased to meet you.
Ron Marks
Ron Marks is the founder and principal consultant for Workmarks LLC. His first exposure to desktop computers corresponded with his first exposure to the graphic arts and typography back in the early 1980s. The two converged for him when he purchased one of the first Apple Macintosh computers in 1984. It quickly became apparent that the graphic interface of the Mac was going to change graphic production forever, and he started producing publications and packaging on the Mac platform immediately, while simultaneously working in more traditional phototypesetting and layout jobs as an employee and freelancer.
In the late 1980s, he began working at the pioneering electronic PostScript prepress firm Micropublish, where he would later become Production Manager and a principal consultant over the next 13 years. As the 21st Century began, Ron realized that the world of print and prepress was changing dramatically, and he shifted focus to the applications and networking systems that would enable the next wave of graphics in the electronic world, led by the products from Apple. He split his business off from Micropublish as Workmarks, and that has evolved into today's company.
Ron lives in South Austin, Texas with his wife Leslie and their Boston Terrier, Louis. He spent 14 years playing bass and touring with The Texas Instruments and released five albums with the band.
The University of Texas at Austin
B.A. with honors, 1986
Columbia University
Columbia College, 1982-1983